
Thursday, December 22, 2005

The Price of Money

Toxic slick heads for south China cities

BEIJING (Reuters) - China's southern province of Guangdong scrambled to protect its water supplies on Thursday as a toxic waste spill from a zinc smelter flowed along a major river toward several sprawling cities, state media reported.

It is the second environmental disaster to hit the country in as many months after an explosion at a chemical plant in the northeast poisoned drinking water for millions and sent a frozen, poisonous slick heading slowly but surely toward Russia.


Wednesday, December 21, 2005

Going Through My Book marks

Here are some sites I have stumbled upon that I think are cool. Enjoy
Efficient Things
Our Cool House
The Straw House Blog
Green Energy News
Eat Organic

Tuesday, December 20, 2005

U.S. Greenhouse Gases Rise

Emissions of gases blamed for warming the atmosphere grew by 2 percent in the United States last year, the Energy Department reported Monday.

Under the Bush Administration, the United States has focused on voluntary efforts and bilateral and regional arrangements to combat climate change while devoting about $3 billion a year in government funds to research and development of energy-saving technologies. One of those programs includes contributing seed money to companies that can export U.S. technology for reusing methane, the second biggest greenhouse gas.


Hey how bout providing more incentives for individuals willing to implement renewable energy.Don't want to be a part of Kyoto? That is fine but throwing $3 billion, pocket change compared to the BILLIONS being thrown at a war, does not amount to jack shit.

Want to make a difference?

Monday, December 12, 2005

Greener Pastures

I have always considered myself a bit of an earth friendly type but for the past month I have really started practicing some earth Looking back over the past year one could say that the earth is sick or maybe sick and tired of us. Earthquakes, super hurricanes, even hurricane force winds, without a hurricane, up in Denver turning over trucks. Scary stuff.
With this in mind I will begin taking this blog in another direction and begin bringing in more of a "Green" approach to tech and will be sharing some of the changes I have made in my life to help eliminate my mark on the planet.
